TIP in the News

March 2022
- The Immunization Partnership presents 13th Annual Community Immunity Spring Luncheon, CULTURE MAP HOUSTON (March 9, 2022).
February 2022
- Meet Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi, the other half of the Hotez dream team, TIP Scientific Advisory Council members Maria Elena Bottazzi, PhD, and Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, HOUSTON CHRONICLE (Feb. 17, 2022).
- 2 Houston doctors nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for low-cost COVID vaccine, TIP Scientific Advisory Council members Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, and Maria Elena Bottazzi, PhD, CULTURE MAP HOUSTON (Feb. 2, 2022).
January 2022
- COVID-19 fights bleed into larger anti-vaxx movement, threaten long-time vaccine rules in schools, Rekha Lakshmanan, TIP Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, quoted, THE WASHINGTON TIMES (Jan. 29, 2022).
December 2021
- Getting COVID shots in all kids begins with understanding community barriers, Suma Manjunath, M.D., Health Equity Council on Immunizations member, op-ed, VICTORIA ADVOCATE (Dec. 5, 2021).
October 2021
- Politics not public health drive dangerous COVID bills, John T. Dugan III, M.D., TIP chair and Lindy McGee, M.D. executive committee member, Austin American Statesman (Oct. 15, 2021).
- Healthcare providers warn Texas could see a surge of flu & COVID cases this fall, Hill Powell, interim executive director, quoted, KERA Dallas (Oct. 5, 2021.
- Opinion: Texas legislators should protect public health, not limit vaccine mandates, John T. Dugan III, M.D., TIP chair and Lindy McGee, M.D. executive committee member, Houston Chronicle (Oct. 1, 2021).
September 2021
- Dr. Peter Hotez wins Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's David E. Rogers Award, Texas Children's Hospial (Sept. 21, 2021).
- Uncoupling vaccination from politics: a call to action, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., and Director of Advocacy and Policy Rekha Lakshmanan, The Lancet (Sept. 16, 2021).
- Gov. Abbott’s executive order continues to put Texans between politics and science, TIP op-ed, THE DALLAS EXAMINER (Sept. 3, 2021).
August 2021
- This Is the Moment the Anti-Vaccine Movement Has Been Waiting For, TIP advocacy and public policy director Rekha Lakshmanan and TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, quoted, The New York Times, (Aug. 31, 2021).
- More parents are filing conscientious exemption to opt out of state-mandated vaccines, TIP interim executive director Hill Powell quoted, KVUE AUSTIN (Aug. 26, 2021).
- Pfizer vaccine receives FDA approval, new name, TIP interim executive director Hill Powell and Lindy, McGee, TIP board of directors member, quoted, KABB FOX29 SAN ANTONIO (Aug. 24, 2021).
- Manjunath: COVID-19 misinformation leads to vaccine hesitancy, sickness, and death, Suma Manjunath, MD, TIP Health Equity Council member, op-ed, RIO GRANDE GUARDIAN (Aug. 23, 2021),
- Immunization information needs to be openly accessible during times of disaster, TIP advocacy and public policy director Rekha Lakshmanan, BAKER INSTITUTE BLOG (Aug. 19, 2021).
- August provides a 2-fer for vaccine information and education, TIP blog post, TEXAS HEALTH INSTITUTE (Aug. 18, 2021).
July 2021
- Recent Federal Decisions Are Paving The Way For More Workplace Vaccine Mandates, TIP advocacy and public policy director Rekha Lakshmanan, TEXAS STANDARD (July 27, 2021).
June 2021
- GOP leaders spar with colleges over vaccine mandates, TIP advocacy and public policy director Rekha Lakshmanan and TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., quoted, POLITICO (June 24, 2021).
- Ghostvax: What to do if your COVID vaccination card is incomplete, TIP interim executive director Hill Powell quoted, THE STAR DEMOCRAT EASTON, MD (June 23, 2021).
- Commentary: Stay positive with small steps to herd immunity, Health Equity Council members Pilar Oates and Linda Fulmer, op-ed, SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS (June 23, 2021).
- Anti-vax group mounts legal blitz to sow disinformation against vaccinations, TIP advocacy and public policy director Rekha Lakshmanan quoted, THE GUARDIAN (June 22, 2021).
- COVID-19 is not the only vaccine men should consider, TIP board chair Erich Sturgis, M.D., op-ed, DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE (June 16, 2021).
May 2021
- Dugan: Never too old to rock ‘n’ roll, or get your adult vaccines, TIP incoming chair John Dugan, M.D. op-ed, RIO GRANDE GUARDIAN (May 24, 2021).
- Vaccine Hesitancy Prolongs The Fight Against COVID-19 In Texas, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike interview, KERA DALLAS (May 20, 2021).
- Children with underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe COVID-19, North Texas health experts say, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, WFAA DALLAS (May 13, 2021).
April 2021
- Why a Former Anti-Vax Influencer Got Her COVID-19 Shot, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D.; TIP Director of Advocacy and Public Policy Rekha Lakshmanan and Immunize Texas Coordinator Lacy Waller quoted, TEXAS MONTHLY (April 30, 2021).
- Harris County Won’t Continue Its Use Of The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine For Now, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, HOUSTON PUBLIC MEDIA (April 26, 2021).
- World Meningitis Day provides cautionary tales of the darkness in its wake, Jamie Schanbaum and Greg Williams op-ed, TYLER MORNING TELEGRAPH (April 22, 2021)
- Missouri City grandmother suffers persistent side effects weeks after Johnson & Johnson vaccine, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D. quoted, KTRK ABC 13 (April 22, 2021).
- Harris County Opens 55,000 New Vaccine Slots After Unexpected Drop In Demand, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, HOUSTON PUBLIC MEDIA (April 16, 2021).
- Dr. Peter Hotez: We'll be 'pretty damn close' to normal by summer, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., Q&A, HOUSTON CHRONICLE (April 9, 2021).
- Trying to make sense of how Texas ranks on coronavirus vaccinations? Here’s a look behind the numbers., TIP president and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, THE TEXAS TRIBUNE (April 9, 2021).
- Commentary: A booster for Texas vaccine registry, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike op-ed, SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS (April 8, 2021)
- Houston COVID-19 expert concerned about early stages of virus' fourth wave, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., quoted, HOUSTON CHRONICLE (April 6, 2021).
- Texas minorities’ vaccination rates below those of whites, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS (April 5, 2021).
March 2021
- Winnike: Texas needs an Immunization Registry that does what it’s supposed to do, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike op-ed, RIO GRAND GUARDIAN (March 29, 2021).
- Racial inequities persist as Texas ramps up vaccine rollout, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, HOUSTON CHRONICLE (March 23, 2021).
- 12th Annual Community Immunity Spring Luncheon, CULTURE MAP (March 18,2021).
- 12th Annual Community Immunity Spring Luncheon, THE BUZZ MAGAZINES (March 18,2021).
- Community Spring Luncheon, PAPERCITY (March 18, 2021).
- Cases Of The U.K. COVID-19 Variant In Houston Are Doubling By The Week, Researchers Say, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KUHF HOUSTON PUBLIC MEDIA (March 17, 2021).
- Texas medical experts share recommendations to help improve COVID-19 distribution, access in Texas, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KPRC CLICK2 HOUSTON (March 17, 2021).
- How can Texas make vaccines more accessible? Task force sends recommendations to Gov. Abbott, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KTRK ABC13 HOUSTON (March 17, 2021).
- Opinion: Texas needs a vaccine registry that works, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN (March 12, 2021).
- Some Texans jumping the line to get COVID-19 vaccines, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, LONGVIEW NEWS-JOURNAL (March 10, 2021).
- Relaxed rules attracting ineligible visitors to Southeast Texas vaccination sites, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KBMT/12 NEWS BEAUMONT (March 9, 2021).
- Texans don’t have to prove they’re eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, and some are jumping the line. Here’s why., TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, TEXAS TRIBUNE (March 9, 2021).
- Some leaders within Catholic Church urging Catholics to steer clear of Johnson & Johnson vaccine, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted,KFMZ, LEHIGH VALLEY REGIONAL NEWS (March 3, 2021).
- Before the mask mandate was lifted, this COVID-19 expert warned against the move, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., quoted, HOUSTON CHRONICLE (March 2, 2021).
- In Texas, Travis County boasts highest percentage of residents willing to receive COVID-19 vaccine, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN (March 1, 2021).
- Many Texans, especially people of color, hesitant to get COVID-19 vaccine, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KTXS ABILENE (March 1, 2021).
February 2021
- Kein "Gebieter über Wahrheit"? Umgang mit Impfgegnern belegt Einknicken von Facebook, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, THE ECONOMIST (Feb. 21, 2021).
- Texas launches multimillion dollar campaign to combat vaccine hesitancy, Rekha Lakshmmanan, TIP Director of Advocacy and Public Policy quoted, TEXAS TRIBUNE (Feb. 12, 2021).
- Winnike: Recovery from COVID-19 pandemic requires legislative leadership, political courage, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, RIO GRANDE GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE, op-ed (Feb. 11, 2021).
- Amarillo's COVID situation is improving, local officials say, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KVII ABC 7 AMARILLO (Feb. 10, 2021).
- Lawmakers must improve the state's vaccine system, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, THE DAILY NEWS Galveston County, op-ed (Feb. 10, 2021).
- Recovery from the pandemic requires legislative leadership, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN op-ed (Feb. 5, 2021).
- Harris County Pushes COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Campaign To Address Community Mistrust, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, HOUSTON PUBLIC MEDIA (Feb. 4, 2021).
- 1 Region, 2 Different Approaches To Vaccinating Greater Houston, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, HOUSTON PUBLIC MEDIA (Feb. 2, 2021).
January 2021
- Dr. Peter Hotez: “Globalized Anti-Science Movement” Threatens Pandemic Response & Public Health, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., DEMOCRACY NOW! (Jan. 28, 2021).
- The COVID-19 vaccine: Most who want it can’t yet get it, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, SAN ANTONIO REPORT (Jan. 24, 2021).
- Only one-third of people would get COVID-19 vaccine immediately if asked, but finding one is difficult, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KVEO HARLINGEN (Jan. 23, 2021).
- Dallas County needs shot in the arm, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KATY TRAIL WEEKLY (Jan. 22, 2021).
- Texas expects largest shipment yet of COVID-19 vaccine, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KDFW DALLAS/FORT WORTH (Jan. 22, 2021).
- Gov Edwards Urges Remote Work To Fight Covid-19, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, RED RIVER RADIO (Jan. 22, 2021).
- Austin Area Leads The State When It Comes To Willingness To Get A COVID-19 Vaccine, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted,KUT AUSTIN (Jan. 22, 2021).
- Officials working to improve access to receive, attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines, SAN ANTONIO FOX 29 (Jan. 22, 2021).
- Survey: Nearly two-thirds of Texans are hesitant to get COVID-19 vaccine, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, SAN ANTONIO REPORT (Jan. 22, 2021).
- Editorial: Failure to fix vaccine registry haunts Texas, former TIP president Anna Dragsbaek quoted, AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN (Jan. 22, 2021).
- North Texas Prepares for More Covid-19 Vaccine Allotments, Addressing Access and Hesitancy, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, WBAP DALLAS (Jan. 20, 2021).
- COVID-19 virus victory is in sight, but we need your help, TIP board of directors chair Erich Sturgis, M.D., DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE op-ed (Jan. 19, 2021).
- COVID-19 virus victory is in sight, but we need your help, TIP board of directors chair Erich Sturgis, M.D., THE GALVESTON COUNTY DAILY NEWS op-ed (Jan. 15, 2021).
- How Did A Vaccine Get Developed In Less Than A Year?, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., guest, NPR SCIENCE FRIDAY (Jan. 15, 2021).
- Frustrations Are Running High Over Coronavirus Vaccines, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, EAST TEXAS RADIO (Jan. 14, 2021).
- Flawed vaccine rollout will create political stars — and has-beens, Rekha Lakshmmanan, TIP Director of Advocacy and Public Policy quoted, POLITICO (Jan. 13, 2021).
- The Vaccine May Be The Cure For Our Economy, But Texas May Be An Obstacle, Rekha Lakshmmanan, TIP Director of Advocacy and Public Policy quoted, TEXAS STANDARD (Jan. 12, 2021).
- Will The COVID-19 Vaccine Be Required For School? Experts Explain, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike guest, ROMPER (Jan. 12, 2021).
- New COVID Vaccines Need Absurd Amounts of Material and Labor, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., quoted, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (Jan. 4, 2021).
December 2020
- The vaccine is here, what impact will it have?, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KRLD (Dec. 21, 2020).
- Could Texas students eventually be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine?, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, THE DALLAS MORNING-NEWS (Dec. 21, 2020).
- Medical experts weigh 'who's next' for COVID vaccine, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, FOX 29 (Dec. 18, 2020).
- DSHS releases tracking tool showing how many people have been vaccinated and where, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KEYE CBS AUSTIN (Dec. 17, 2020).
- The need for a second COVID shot poses challenge for healthcare providers, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KEYE CBS AUSTIN (Dec. 17, 2020).
- Archbishop of San Antonio to parishioners: ‘We need to be vaccinated.’, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS (Dec. 16, 2020).
- A COVID-19 Vaccine Is On The Way. What Can Be Done To Combat Skepticism And Ensure An Equitable Rollout?, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike guest, TEXAS PUBLIC RADIO THE SOURCE (Dec. 16, 2020).
- Texas living facilities should be required to offer vaccines to residents, advocates say, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, KXAN (Dec. 15, 2020).
- Trusting the Vaccine: Outreach Will be Key, Rekha Lakshmmanan, TIP Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, SPECTRUM NEWS 1 (Dec. 10, 2020).
- Texas lawmakers see vaccine legislation as non-partisan, Rekha Lakshmmanan, TIP Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, MIRAGE NEWS (Dec. 10, 2020).
- The Vaccine Mom Discusses COVID-19 Vaccines with Researcher Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., SHOT OF PREVENTION (Dec. 7, 2020).
- Opinion: Giving Tuesday is important, now more than ever, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN (Dec. 1, 2020).
November 2020
- Giving Tuesday is important now, more than ever, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE (Nov. 27, 2020).
- Crossroads health care workers prepare for logistical challenge of COVID-19 vaccine rollout, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., VICTORIA ADVOCATE (Nov. 21, 2020).
- Top Houston doctor warns thousands could die waiting for COVID-19 vaccines, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., KTRK ABC13 HOUSTON (Nov. 20, 2020).
- Optimism Works: “Resilience, optimism, and passion represent a true formula for success.”, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., TEXAS OPTIMISM PROJECT (Nov. 20, 2020).
- Fauci says Santa Claus has 'innate immunity', won't be spreading COVID-19 to anyone this Christmas, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., USA Today (Nov. 20, 2020).
- Why Trump's Operation Warp Speed is credited with helping race for COVID-19 vaccine, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, CBC (Nov. 19, 2020).
- Hispanic Heritage Spotlight: Interview with Dr. María Elena Bottazzi, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (Nov. 19, 2020).
- ‘If You Have Access To A Vaccine, Get Vaccinated,’ Vaccine Scientist Peter J. Hotez Says, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., DAILY CALLER (Nov. 16, 2020).
- Peter Hotez on Coronavirus: ‘The Worst May Still be Yet to Come’, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., US NEWS & WORLD REPORT (Nov. 16, 2020).
- Why Moderna may have an edge in the vaccine race: refrigeration, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (Nov. 16, 2020).
- Moderna's candidate COVID-19 vaccine looks to protect 94.5% of those who get it, trial shows. 'This makes me giddy,' one doctor says, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., USATODAY (Nov. 16, 2020).
- Baylor COVID-19 vaccine begins clinical trial in India,TIP Scientific Advisory Council members Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., and Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (Nov. 16, 2020).
- Top Houston doctor says he would get COVID-19 vaccine when it's ready, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., KHOU HOUSTON (Nov. 13, 2020).
- Cuba leads race for Latin American coronavirus vaccine, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., REUTERS (Nov. 12, 2020).
- With COVID-19, Biden Is Inheriting a Homeland Security Problem of “Incredible Magnitude”, Vaccinologist and pediatrician Peter Hotez talks about the flourishing anti-science movement, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., MOTHER JONES, (Nov. 11, 2020).
- Texas Infectious disease expert weighs in on Biden-Harris COVID transition advisory board, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., KEYE CBS AUSTIN, (Nov. 10, 2020).
- As Fauci Warns Of COVID-19 Surge, Trump Jokes About Firing Him, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., WBUR BOSTON, (Nov. 2, 2020).
October 2020
- For 75 years, Houston builds Texas Medical Center into a 'powerhouse', TIP Scientific Advisory Council members Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., and Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., COMMUNITY IMPACT NEWSPAPER (Oct. 31, 2020).
- Second wave of late-phase Covid-19 vaccine trials unlikely to require a higher efficacy bar for FDA authorisation,TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., CLINICAL DATA HEALTHCARE (Oct. 28, 2020).
- Experts dismiss survey claiming no extra risk of virus through sports, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., THE ASPEN INSTITUTE PROJECT PLAY (Oct. 27, 2020).
- Trabajadores de la salud en Houston se preparan ante incremento de casos de coronavirus en Texas, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., UNIVISION 45 HOUSTON (Oct. 27, 2020).
- New Bill Would Let Kids Get Vaccinated Without Their Parents’ Consent, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, SIMPLEMOST (Oct. 26, 2020).
- Don’t delay: Now is the time to protect yourself, your community from the flu,The Immunization Partnership and Texas Immunizers and Stakeholders Working Group, DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE op-ed (Oct. 22, 2020).
- Are San Antonio family gatherings more dangerous than bars & restaurants for COVID-19?, TIP Director of Research Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., KSAT SAN ANTONIO (Oct. 21, 2020).
- The reason cities across the nation are declaring racism a public health crisis, explained, TIP Director of Research Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., KSAT SAN ANTONIO EXPLAINS (Oct. 20, 2020).
- Raising Funds and Awareness for Vaccines with TIP! HIP & HAUTE HOUSTON (Oct. 19, 2020).
- Dr. Peter Hotez advises 'to get ready for a a tough time', TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., ANDREA MITCHELL REPORTS, MSNBC (Oct. 19, 2020).
- US COVID-19 cases soaring toward 8 million: 'the virus is now winning', TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., video interview expressing urgency to address our nation's mental health in addition to COVID19, THE HILL (Oct. 16, 2020).
- Why We Celebrate “Flu Shot Day” in Our Home, Robyn Correll, public health consultant and former TIP Education Program Manager, SHOT OF PREVENTION (Oct. 15, 2020).
- COVID-19 cases in US grow at a speed not seen since July, the summer peak, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., USAToday (Oct. 15, 2020.
- Panel Mujeres Desafiantes Heroínas de la Pandemia, TIP Scientific Advisory Board member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., REVISTA ESTRATEGIA & NEGOCIOS (Oct. 14, 2929).
- Trump’s Illness and the Need for a Reset on U.S. Coronavirus Policy, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (Oct. 7, 2020)
- Wearing Masks, Social Distancing Can Help Keep the Flu Away, Too, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike quoted, REFORM AUSTIN (Oct. 7, 2020).
- Opinion: Protect yourself from the flu this fall to avoid a twindemic. Get a flu shot, The Immunization Partnership and Texas Immunizers and Stakeholders Working Group, HOUSTON CHRONICLE op-ed (Oct. 2, 2020).
- Dia Para Concientizar Sobre La Vacuna de Influenza, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., on Telemudo to talk about Texas Flu Awareness Day and importance of the flu vaccine (Oct. 1, 2020).
September 2020
- Es oficial: llega la temporada de influenza a la frontera,TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, TELEMUNDO 48 EL PASO (Sept. 30, 2020).
- TIP’s 11th annual Community Immunity Luncheon (virtual this year), raised more than $140,000 to support vaccine-awareness programs, with co-chairs Julie Davidson and Allison Connally, THE BUZZ MAGAZINES (Sept. 25, 2020).
- Opinion: Politics shouldn’t trump public health, especially during a pandemic, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike op-ed, AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN (Sept. 10, 2020).
- Mi Comunidad: The Immunization Partnership, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., on MEGA 101 to talk about the importance for parents to keep their children's vaccines current at the start of the school year (Sept. 1, 2020).
August 2020
- NISD offering back-to-school shot clinic, Ashley Sloan, L.V.N., Gregg County Health Department Immunization Program Manager and TIP coalition partner on the importance of back-to-school vaccinations, THE DAILY SENTINEL (Aug. 19, 2020).
- Health experts urge children to get back-to-school vaccinations, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike and Janice Stachowiak, M.D., clinical assistant professor in internal medicine at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, on importance of back-to-school vaccinations, LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL (Aug. 10, 2020).
- Children still need back-to-school vaccines to prevent disease outbreaks, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike and Ashley Sloan, L.V.N., Gregg County Health Department Immunization Program Manager on the importance of back-to-school vaccinations, THE MARSHALL NEWS MESSENGER (Aug. 9, 2020).
- Editorial missed the mark on schools reopening, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike letter to the editor, THE DAILY NEWS (Aug. 3, 2020).
July 2020
- Texas child vaccination rates down significantly during COVID pandemic, report says, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike explains factors affecting decline in childhood vaccination rates, HOUSTON CHRONICLE (July 31, 2020).
- TIP President and CEO Allison Winnike on KHOU Great Day Houston talks about TIP and best practices for vaccinations and preparing community for launch of COVID-19 vaccine (July 29, 2020).
- Melanie Mouzoon | Going Viral: Conversations on HPV Disease Prevention, TIP board chair Melanie Mouzoon, MD, HPVROUNDTABLE TV (July 22, 2020).
June 2020
- Pandemic causing lapses in pediatric vaccinations, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, COMMUNITY IMPACT NORTHWEST AUSTIN (June 26, 2020).
- Experts urge physical distancing to blunt catastrophic spread of coronavirus, TIP Director of Research Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS - NEWS (June 25, 2020).
- EHF announces $1.3 million in new funding for COVID-19 response in Texas, TIP receives $30,000 Raising Community Voice grant from Espicopal Health Foundation, STATE OF REFORM (June 22, 2020).
- A med student's blueprint for joining the fight against anti-science, TIP Scientific Advisory Council member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (June 18, 2020).
- COVID-19 Exposed Weak Spots in Public Health Law, Experts Say: 'Things No One Could Ever Imagine', Angela Morris, TEXAS LAWYER (June 15, 2020).
- TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike discusses vaccine-preventable outbreaks during the COVID-19 pandemic, Duane Bradley, KPFT (June 8, 2020).
- Black communities make up disproportionate number of COVID-19 deaths in Bexar County, TIP Research Director Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., NBC NEWS 4 (June 8, 2020).
- San Antonio infection expert explains process of U.S.’s, San Antonio’s coronavirus pandemic preparedness, TIP Research Director Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS (June 4, 2020).
May 2020
- Vaxx or Else: Famed Attorney Says Mandatory Vaccinations Legal, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, KTRH (May 21, 2020).
- Guest column: The Texas Legislature can join the fight against COVID-19, TIP Board Chair Melanie Mouzoon, M.D., and Rekha Lakshmanan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, VICTORIA ADVOCATE (May 21, 2020).
- Public Health Expert Weighs In On Reopening Texas Economy, TIP Research Director Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., SPECTRUM NEWS (May 19, 2020).
- Mouzoon, Lakshmanan: Texas Legislature can join fight against COVID-19, TIP Board Chair Melanie Mouzoon, M.D. and Rekha Lakshmanan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, RIO GRANDE GUARDIAN (May 19, 2020).
- Why local physicians say Austin is 'one plane ride away' from an outbreak of vaccine-preventable diseases during the coronavirus pandemic, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, COMMUNITY IMPACT NORTHWEST AUSTIN (May 15, 2020).
- Immunization registry could aid COVID-19 vaccine deployment in Texas, experts say, TIP Board Chair Melanie Mouzoon, M.D., and Rekha Lakshmmanan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, KXAN (May 15, 2020).
- Opinion: Texas Legislature must reinvest in vaccinations, public health to save money, protect lives, Melanie Mouzoon, M.D., TIP Board Chair, and Rekha Lakshmanan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, HOUSTON CHRONICLE (May 14, 2020).
- How an army of San Antonio students is helping contact trace for the coronavirus, Lauren Caruba, SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS (May 8, 2020).
- Inside the frantic—and frustrating--race to develop a potential COVID-19 inoculation in Houston, former TIP Scientific Advisory Board member Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D., and Scientific Advisory Council member Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ph.D., TEXAS MONTHLY (May 1, 2020).
April 2020
- Bexar County could be “over the peak” of coronavirus infections, Brian Chasnoff and Joshua Fechter, SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS (April 30, 2020).
- Abbott’s Phase 1 Plan for Opening Texas Economy Includes Restaurants, Movie Theaters, Malls, TIP Research Director Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., DALLAS OBSERVER (April 27, 2020).
- Texas Stay-At-Home Order to Expire; Many Businesses to Reopen with Limited Capacity, TIP Research Director Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., SPECTRUM NEWS (April 27, 2020).
- Opinion: Keep up with vaccination for another dreadful disease: meningitis, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN (April 24, 2020).
- Pro- and Anti-vaccination Groups Prepare for Battle Over Coronavirus Vaccine, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike and Immunize Texas Leader Jinny Suh, REFORM AUSTIN (April 23, 2020).
- Mayor and County Judge announce formation of COVID-19 Health Transition Team, TIP Research Director Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., FOX SAN ANTONIO (April 16, 2020).
- COVID-19 Outbreak At San Antonio Nursing Home, TIP Research Director Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, Ph.D., HIGH PLAINS PUBLIC RADIO (Apr. 6, 2020).
- COVID-19 updates: Immunization, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winnike, Facebook video interview with CHILDREN AT RISK (Sept. 1, 2020).
March 2020
- Texas Anti-Vaxxers Fear Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines More Than the Virus Itself, TIP President and C.E.O. Allison Winike, TEXAS MONTHLY (March 18, 2020).