

Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy

The Immunization Partnership is collaborating with Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy to conduct research into Texas vaccine policies and their impact on immunization rates and access. The joint research project reviews the vaccine policy over the past five legislative sessions (2009-2019). The goal is to provide a more detailed understanding of the changing Texas politics and policies as they relate to vaccine access and school mandates. The findings will be shared at a public forum in fall of 2020.

Texas Immunizers and Stakeholders Working Groups (TISWG)

The Texas Immunizers and Stakeholders Working Groups (TISWG) is a forum of diverse subject matter experts in the state immunization system, created by the Department of State Health Services (DSHS). TIP has been working with DSHS since November 2018 to re-launch TISWG. TISWG members represent the public sector, private sector, and community groups and work in collaboration to share ideas, perspectives, best practices, and resources to raise vaccine coverage levels in Texas. The group currently has 130 members. The first introduction webinar to members was facilitated in September 2019 and the in-person annual meeting took place in October 2019.

Children at Risk

The Immunization Partnership is proud to join with our frequent collaborator, Children at Risk, to address keeping children healthy through recommended immunizations. In March 2020, TIP partnered with Children at Risk to present a summit on “Coronavirus, Influenza, and Protecting Our Children” to educate the public on the emerging COVID-19 pandemic and how important it is to stay up-to-date on recommended vaccines, including influenza.